Head of the Savings Bank (Uzgen)

Head of the Savings Bank (Uzgen)

Head of the Savings Bank (Uzgen)

Region : Osh

Date of Publication: 31 May 2024


Head of the Savings Bank (Uzgen) 


  • higher economic education;
  • work experience in the banking sector for at least one year;
  • experienced PC user;
  • skills to conduct business correspondence and business negotiations;
  • certificates confirming completion of specialized courses and seminars/trainings (preferably).

A candidate must know:

  • legislation of the KR, normative legal acts of the NBKR and the internal regulatory documents of the Bank;
  • chart of accounts and account-plan related to operating activities;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, and fire protection;
  • ethics of business communication, the procedure for establishing business contacts, and conducting negotiations. 


  • Organization of current activities of the Savings Bank in accordance with the Bank's internal regulations; 
  • Conducting banking operations in national and foreign currencies;
  • Servicing legal entities and individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, without opening an account;
  • Providing consulting services;
  • Complying with client service standards;
  • Checking client data via "black lists";
  • Informing clients about ongoing promotions and special conditions.

CV with a photo and position title, please send to  hrm@keremetbank.kg

*The Bank reserves the right to invite the most suitable candidates for an interview.

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