Procedure for consideration of consumer complaints

Procedure for consideration of consumer complaints


Thank you for choosing our services and for trust you have placed in our Bank!

Our main value is you, our Customers, so we strive to make cooperation with you even more convenient and effective. Continuous improvement of service quality is a priority for our Bank. All requests of our Clients are at the forefront and can be considered in any branch or savings bank without prior appointment and approval of the reception schedule. If you want to meet with the management of the Bank, you should make an appointment by phone of the front office: 0312 313173 (ext. 2301).

Reception of visitors by the management of "Keremet Bank" OJSC

 Position  Full name of the head  Visiting hours
Chairman of the Board Tatyana Ye. Kurzhey

Deputy Chairman of the Board Araylym N. Kalieva Wednesday 16:00 p.m. - 17:00 p.m.
Deputy Chairman of the Board Damira A.Mukusheva Wednesday 14:00 p.m. - 15:00 p.m.
Deputy Chairman of the Board Dmitry V. Shpilchin
Wednesday 10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Also in case of work proposals you can:

  • contact the Bank's Call center by phone: 0 (312) 55 44 44, 0 (703) 554444 О!, 0 (997) 554444 Megacom, 0 (227) 554444 Bilain;
  • write to WhatsApp number: 0557 55 44 44;
  • write to the official E-Mail of the Bank:;
  • send a letter to the postal address: "Keremet Bank" OJSC Togolok Moldo St. 40/4, 720001 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic;
  • make an entry in the complaints and suggestion book in branches or savings banks.

Regardless of the form of treatment You need to specify:

  • surname, name, patronymic;
  • address, contact details (phone number, E-Mail);
  • essence of the treatment with a detailed statement and supporting documents if available (e.g., date of application, account/card number, etc.);
  • you must put a personal signature and date in written application.

Results of consideration of your written application and the actions taken will be reported to You no later than thirty calendar days from the date of registration of the application.

You can also get the results of the decision by contacting us by E-Mail: or by phone: 0 (312) 55 44 44.

Procedure for consideration of consumer requests of "Keremet Bank" OJSC

Consumer rights:

1. You are free to choose financial institution and financial services.

2. You have the right to refuse to sign a loan agreement or other contract/ agreement.

3. You have the right to choose the language of the loan agreement: state (Kyrgyz) or official (Russian).

4. You have the right to receive in person the draft of loan agreement with all attached documents and within 1-3 days to seek advice outside financial institution.

5. You have the right to receive comprehensive information and explanations about the terms and cost of the loan, payments and settlement procedure for the loan (interest, penalties, fines), Your rights and obligations, risks, consequences and liability under the loan agreement, as well as other unclear questions about the terms of the loan.

6. After signing the loan agreement, but before the actual receipt of funds You have the right to refuse the loan non-reciprocal.

NBKR divisions on protection of consumers of banking services and provision of legal advice to consumers

Name Address   Phone
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic  168 Chui Ave., Bishkek  (0312)615278
Osh oblast administration  119 Kurmanzhan Datka Str., Osh  (03222)48463
Naryn oblast administration  6 Zhamgychy uulu Abas Str., Naryn,   (03522)50472
Issyk-kul oblast administration 265 Toktogul St., Karakol  (03922)51253
Jalalabad oblast administration 13, Erkindik St., Jalalabad  (03722)23884
Talas oblast administration  291 Berdyke Baatyr Str., Talas  (03422)52377
Representation of the NBKR in the Batken oblast  3 T. Sadykov Str., Batken  (03622)50446
