
"Keremet Bank" for 4 months issued 411 mortgage loans to employees of the public sector

15 October 2019

In order to implement the program of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic "Affordable housing - 2015-2020" and "Keremet Bank" OJSC from May 30th, 2019 within the framework of the product "Social mortgage" were issued 411 mortgage loans to public sector employees in the amount of 588.1 million soms. Chairman of the Board Erkinbek Zhumabaev reported it today at a press conference dedicated to the rebranding of "Keremet Bank".

  • 57% of residential loans issued under the project "Social mortgage" received residents of the regions: 175 loans in Bishkek city, 236 in the regions.

Depending on the amount of the initial payment, the interest rate on the residential loan comes to 6% - 8% per annum in soms and is issued for up to 15 years.

For reference: In October 2018 the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic became the main owner of shares of "Rosinbank" OJSC and its share after the next emission transition in May 2019 amounted to more than 95%. After rebranding"Keremet Bank" OJSC is the legal successor of the rights, assets and liabilities of "Rosinbank" OJSC.
