
Kyrgyzstan took the first place in the eco-action dedicated to the World Cleanup Day. "Keremet Bank" has contributed to this Victory!

31 October 2019

The Kyrgyz Republic took the first place among 180 participating countries on the results of the international eco-action dedicated to the World Cleanup Day. The official letter with the notification of the victory and gratitude to Kyrgyzstan for participation came from the headquarters of the international organization "Let's Do It" to the country partner of the world movement - to the public Fund "Eco Demi". "This is our common victory. Thanks to the support of your Bank we have achieved success," noted the Eco Demi Foundation. 

The world eco-action to clean the planet from the accumulation of garbage in public places was held on 21st of September. On this day 58 million concerned residents cleaned the planet at the same time. In Kyrgyzstan this campaign was supported by the majority of government agencies and more than 7 thousand public and commercial organizations. 624 thousand of Kyrgyz citizens collected more than 9 thousand tons of garbage in one day. 

Employees of "Rosinbank" OJSC went on a clean-up immediately in two urban areas collecting about 150 bags of spontaneous garbage. Plastic, glass and other debris were immediately sorted. Part was sent for recycling, the rest was taken to municipal landfills.
"Keremet Bank" congratulates the public fund "Eco Demi" on the Victory, thanks for the titanic work that’s been completed and the opportunity to contribute to the fight against global pollution of the planet.
