
Keremet Bank has established partnership relations with the Eurasian Development Bank

20 December 2019

Keremet Bank opened correspondent accounts in four currencies with the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB): in Russian rubles, Kazakh tenge, US dollars and euros. Now, thanks to the established partnership relations, businessmen with economic and trade connections with our closest neighbors - Russia and Kazakhstan - can to make mutual settlements on export-import operations in the national currencies of these countries quickly and at minimal cost.

  • "Keremet Bank" always tries to find only the best financial solutions and create new opportunities for its customers offering a convenient payment system both within the country and abroad - says Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Keremet Bank" OJSC Ulanbek Akimkanov. "Our Bank is constantly working to expand its correspondent network building mutually beneficial banking cooperation with reliable and trusted partners."

EDB is an international financial organization established on the basis of an interstate agreement and designed to promote economic growth of the member-states of the Eurasian space. The Bank provides loans to major investment projects in the Eurasian region actively working with local financial institutions. Full members of the Eurasian Development Bank: Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Tajikistan and Russian Federation.

The Eurasian Development Bank has been given high international ratings. In 2019 two major international rating agencies confirmed the positive dynamics of the EDB: Standard&Poor's upgraded the Bank's rating to "BBB/A-2", Moody's Investors Service confirmed the long-term rating "Baa1" with stable outlook.

More information about international transactions and correspondent accounts you can find by contacting "Keremet Bank", as well as through the website (link to the website) or by calling the round-the-clock call center by phone: +996 312 55 44 44.
