
We are proud of our winners ... Marathoners – Keremetovtsy! Keep it up!

2 March 2020

Yesterday, five officers of “Keremet Bank”, five daredevil-volunteers such as Sovetova Munira, Bakytbek kyzy Bermet, Aidarkanova Gulsiina, Degenbaev Saparbek and Pykhteev Leonid conquered the mountain peak Tashtar-Ata within the framework of the first event that opened the 2020 Running Season “King of Tashtar-Aty".

Since last year the whole banking recreational runner team has been training at the Bank under the guidance of the professional marathon trainer Leonid Pykhteev. Just a few months of training sessions - and the first winners have been already available!

  • Congratulations to our colleagues, Sovetova Munira and Pykhteev Leonid, who took prize-winning places in their age categories.

The large-scale running event of the country such as the Bishkek International Semi-Marathon “JAZ DEMI-2020” lies ahead, and on April 5 the whole team will participate in the race from Keremet Bank!

The Keremet Bank will post new wins definitely with such purposeful and strong-willed officers!

