
“Keremet Bank” continues to provide assistance to people in need

15 April 2020

Today, the whole of Kyrgyzstan is united in the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection in the republic. “Keremet Bank”, having a wide branch network, makes its own contribution to solving the problems arising from the pandemic in the cities where it conducts its banking activities.

So, last week, thanks to the bank, a room for observation was prepared in the Ak-Sui territorial hospital of Issyk-Kul region and the necessary equipment for medical care was purchased. This week, construction and installation works were carried out at the United Territorial Hospital of Zhaiyl district of Kara-Balta city at the bank's expense to install a special barrier, which is extremely necessary in the conditions of the epidemic to isolate the medical staff of infectious department.

In Batken and Jalal-Abad regions the bank's employees, together with regional social protection funds, formed lists of particularly needy families who were in distress due to the circumstances, and organized the purchase and delivery of essential commodities for them.

Today, everyone is aware of the importance of joint work of the business community and government agencies to jointly eliminate the consequences of coronavirus infection in our country. No one can remain indifferent, so the bank's employees are currently continuing to collect funds, which will also be directed to people in need.
