
Current schedule of the branch network of “Keremet Bank” as of April 22, 2020

22 April 2020

Dear customers! “Keremet Bank” OJSC, as one of the leaders in the KR in terms of the number of branches, banking equipment and payment cards, tries to create the most convenient conditions for customer service. Despite the current situation in the country, the bank extended working hours of most branches and savings banks in the Kyrgyz Republic on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00, the head office – from 09:00 to 17:00.

At the same time, due to the decisions of regional Headquarters to counteract the spread of COVID-19 in the KR, the working hours of some points of sale of “Keremet Bank” differ:

  • from 08:00 to 16:00 – for the branch in Osh;
  • from 09:00 to 15:00 – in savings banks in cities Kochkor-Ata and Tash-Kumyr of Jalal-Abad region, as well as Uzgen city of Osh region.

“Keremet Bank's” field cash desks serve clients according to the following schedule:

  • from 09:00 to 15:00 – in the building of the Alamedinsky GNS (State Revenue Service) at the address: Lermontov Str. 35 A, Bishkek city;
  • from 10:00 to 15:00 – in the housing estate “AkBosogo” at Professor Zima Str. 204 and in the market“Aziz” at Mahatma Gandhi Str. 201 (will start working from April 27, 2020);
  • from 10:00 to 13:00 – in Leninsky village of Chui region at Alma-Atinskaya Str. 285;
  • from 09:00 to 15:00 – in Kara-Darya village of Suzak district of Jalal-Abad region on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and in Barpy village of Suzak district of Jalal-Abad region on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Please note that in order to protect the safety and health of the population, the operation of several savings banks and field cash desks located in crowded public areas has been temporarily suspended:

  • savings banks in Bishkek city: at Kozhevennaya Str. 1 (near the mosque in Dordoi market) and at Moskovskaya Str. 172 (crosses Turusbekov Str.); 
  • in Talas city savings bank located at Manas Str. 185 (near the central market);
  • in Osh region in Nookat city at Lenin Str. w/o No., in Kara-Suu city savings banks at Lenin Str. 124 (market “Kara-Suu”) and Pushkin Str. w/o No.;
  • savings bank in Jalal-Abad city located at N. Aitmatova Str. 9;
  • savings bank in Karakol city of Issyk-Kul region at Torgoev Str. 43 (market “AkTilek”);
  • field cash desks: in Bishkek city at Shabdan Baatyr Str. 4 (City Transport Department) and two field cash desks in Oshcity: in State Institution “Cadastre” (State Register) at Razzakov Str. 15-A and in Osh Regional Department of Justice at Lenin Str. 312.

At the same time, all the bank's service points comply with the necessary security measures: regular cleaning of premises is carried out with the use of disinfectants, banking equipment is carefully disinfected, employees use personal protective equipment, the recommended distance between customers is regulated and antiseptic hand treatment is offered to all visitors.

Employees of “Keremet Bank” are always happy to meet with their customers, but they advise Kyrgyz citizens not to leave their homes without urgent need, taking care of their health and in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in Kyrgyzstan.  The bank offers its clients to use alternative methods of service through multifunctional Mobile and Internet banking, providing up to 300 services 24/7.

If you have any questions about the work and services of “Keremet Bank”, you can always clarify them in the call center by phone (0 312) 55 44 44, via WhatsApp (0 557) 55 44 44 or via feedback on the website.
