
Top up your transport cards Tulpar online without commission via Keremet Bank

7 May 2020

After a one-and-a-half-month quarantine, urban public transport will resume its work in Bishkek from May 11, 2020 – buses and trolleybuses will start running on their routes from 7:00 to 20:00.

Since the e-ticketing system has been operating in municipal transport since March this year and payment for travel is only possible with a single payment card Tulpar, Keremet Bank offers its fast and convenient replenishment via Internet banking and mobile application.

  • Clients of Keremet Bank can top up the balance of the unified transport card Tulpar from their mobile phone or computer without commission 24/7.

Three types of cards have been issued for passengers of buses and trolleybuses in the capital: blue - standard, green - for schoolchildren, and red - preferential for pensioners and people with disabilities. To top up their balance via Internet banking or the Keremet Bank mobile application, you must:

  • select the field ”Tulpar” Card” (electronic ticketing) in the drop-down list: in the web version, in section “Payment to service provider”, and in the mobile version – “Payments” in the tab page “Other”;
  • fill in the suggested fields of card's personal account and transfer amount to transport card;
  • make a payment.

By the way, through the online services of Keremet Bank, which are available in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, you can pay for up to 300 different services, and a significant part of them – without commission, which is not only convenient, but also profitable.

You can also top up the balance of transport card Tulpar using alternative methods with minimal fees: deposit cash via payment terminals and ATMs with the cash-in function, as well as transfer the required amount from your payment card using the wide ATM network of Keremet Bank.

All additional questions about non-cash replenishment of the card Tulpar or other banking services of Keremet Bank can be clarified in the bank's call center by phone +996 (312) 55 44 44, +996 (557) 55 44 44 – WhatsApp or via feedback form on the website.
