
Thank you for the victory and the peaceful sky above our heads, dear veterans!

8 May 2020

While the participants of the events of the war years are still alive, “Keremet Bank” considers it our duty to express boundless gratitude to the veterans and to say a personal thank you for the feat.

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the great Victory, according to the established tradition, the Bank's employees, observing all safety measures, congratulated the front-line soldiers, blockaders and home front workers on May 9! Veterans were grateful for the attention, generously shared in response memories of the military past, showed carefully stored photos, awards, yellowed triangles of letters, shoulder straps and other memorabilia of those years.

We, contemporaries, can only guess what motivated teenagers of the war years to attribute their age, take up arms and go to war on a par with adults. What did they have to go through and what price did they have to pay for a Great Victory achieved at the cost of incredible efforts?

Recalling the events of 75 years ago and paying tribute to the feat of our veterans, "Keremet Bank" wishes everyone a peaceful sky over their heads, confidence in the future, prosperity and success in all endeavors!

Dear veterans, thank you for your memories, for your courage, bravery, feat and bright future that you gave to your descendants! We want to bow down to you and wish you a long life, good health and emotional warmth!

Let there never be another war!
