
"Keremet Bank" congratulates veterans and all people in Kyrgyzstan, May 9!

9 May 2020

Dear veterans, please accept our most sincere congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the great Victory! Only people who were brave, courageous and sincerely believed in the triumph of justice could bear the trials that fell to your lot! You are a great generation of winners, from whom we learn patriotism, perseverance, strength of spirit and faith in good.

On Victory Day, “Keremet Bank” pays tribute to the feat of veterans of the great Patriotic War, whose courage, bravery and heroism are a model for contemporaries. Thank you, dear veterans, for the peaceful sky above our head, for the dreams and bright future that you gave to your descendants. We sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, happiness and long life! We want to Low bow to you and boundless gratitude for the GREAT VICTORY!

“Keremet Bank” wishes all Kyrgyzstans a peaceful sky above our heads, confidence in the future, prosperity and success in all their endeavors!

Best regards, “Keremet Bank”OJSC
