
The “Social Mortgage – 2021” program of preferential housing crediting successfully comes to an end

11 November 2021

The “Social Mortgage” program has been in effect at “Keremet Bank” for more than two and a half years, since May 2019. This is a socially important housing project aimed at employees of public sectors: educational, medical, social, sports, cultural, as well as representatives of defense and law enforcement agencies and local authorities, tax and customs services and other social spheres.

Throughout the year 2021, the “Social Mortgage” was issued in all regions of the country at an interest rate ranging from 8.5% to 10.5% per annum in KGS for up to 15 years.

  • The Social Mortgage 2021 program, with all loans granted and applications accepted for review, has now come to a successful conclusion in all regions.

You can get more information about “Keremet Bank” services in the service offices, as well as by calling 24-hour call center - (0312) 55 44 44, WhatsApp - (0557) 55 44.
