Branch Network


Title Address Business Hours
Branch of "Keremet Bank- Kadamjay " OJSC Batken r., Kadamzhai c., A.Zhalilov St., 12A Customer service 08.30-17.00, no lunch , Days off: Sat, Sun
Savings Bank No. 049-20-18 Branch of "Keremet Bank- Kadamjay " OJSC Batken r., Kyzyl-Kiya, Molodezhnaya St.,w/n (crossroads of the market "Aibek") 1st floor Сustomer service 08.30-17.00, break 12:30-13:30, Days off: Sat, Sun
"Keremet Bank- Batken" OJSC Batken, Nurgaziev St., 26 (near the central market) Customer service 8.30-17.00, no lunch; Day off: Sat, Sun
