
Important information for borrowers of OJSC “Keremet Bank”

23 March 2020

Branches and bank branches of “Keremet Bank” continue to serve customers, but, following security measures, the operating hours of sales outlets lessened until 15:00. For security reasons, part of “Keremet Bank’s employees switched to a remote operation mode, but the bank continues to provide basic banking services, including loan repayments. Please note that the bank has decided to cancel all fees for partial or early repayment of loans.

“Keremet Bank” is sympathetic to borrowers and ready to support its customers who are experiencing financial difficulties due to restrictive measures imposed to combat coronavirus infection in Kyrgyzstan. In order to review the terms of loan repayment, the borrower needs to write an individual application on changing the terms of the loan agreement, which may be submitted both at “Keremet Bank's” sales offices and remotely through the bank’s contact center. The bank will study in detail the impact of the situation on the financial situation of the borrowers when making a decision and depending on the degree of influence; it will make a decision on easing the financial burden of loan repayment individually.

Due to  the imposition of the emergency regime in the country, The bank recommends to all its customers minimize visits to offices and remotely repay loans 24/7 using:

  • Internet-banking;
  • Mobile banking;
  • Payment terminals;
  • Multifunctional ATMs with cash-in function.

A contact center continues to consult clients on all matters of service of Keremet Bank.

