Internal Audit Department
The Internal Audit Department of OJSC "Keremet Bank" has been functioning since the first day of the bank's establishment, being an independent structural unit that reports to the Board of Directors. The basis of the department's activities is to provide the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors with independent and objective information to assess the sufficiency (adequacy) and effectiveness of the bank's internal control system and to assist the management bodies in ensuring the effective and safe functioning of the bank.
Head of the Internal Audit Department - Shaltagulov Nurlan Kanybekovich
He has more than 26 years of experience in the banking sector. After graduating from Bishkek Financial and Economic Technical School in 1995, he started his career in the banking sector, in the branch of Kyrgyzpromstroybank. After graduating from the Kyrgyz State National University in 1999, he worked as a chief accountant in the Tokmok branch of "Kyrgyzavtobank" in 2000-2002; later in 2002 he started working as a financial accountant in the Osh branch of KAFC (Kyrgyz Agricultural Financial Corporation). In 2006, he was transferred to the Head Office of KAFC in the Operations Department. From 2008 to 2013 he worked in different departments of several banks of the Kyrgyz Republic. He has been working in the internal audit service since 2013. In 2013 he worked as an internal auditor in "Akylinvestbank", in 2013-2014 he worked as a head of the Internal Audit Department in "Aiylbank" OJSC. From 2014 to 2022 he worked as Head of Internal Audit Department in "Doscredobank" OJSC. Then from December 2022 to August 2023 he worked as Deputy Head of Internal Audit Department in "RSK Bank" OJSC. Since September 2023 he joined the team of Keremet Bank OJSC as Head of Internal Audit Department. He is certified in International Financial Reporting Standards, International Standards on Auditing, Islamic Principles of Banking and Finance, AAOIFI standards. |
Phone: +996 (312) 55 44 44 (ext. 2031)